Saturday, August 14, 2010

my network account

My blog is Averiel _ AvaAverTM. The URL of my blog is I also have facebook. My facebook name is Averiel Akmal Nugraha with lego halo photo. If you want to follow my twitter follow: @avaaver. Add my YM:

Friday, August 13, 2010

hari pertama punya blog

Ini hari pertamaku bikin blog. Temen-temenku pada punya. Jadi, ya, aku ikut- ikutan aja. Emang agak susah sih bikinnya tapi akhirnya jadi. Ntar aku mau belajar ngeblog dari temen-temenku yang udah punya blog. Apalagi si Amiera yang udah keren blognya.

About Me

I'm a junior high school student. I was study at smpn1 bogor. I live in komplek bppb blok o no. 14. I am 12 years old. I have 2 sisters. My favourite actors are Will Smith and Ice Cube. My favourite films are Bad Boys 2, Bad Boys, XXX 2: The Next Level.